Human Sex Trafficking

Understanding the facts behind Human Sex Trafficking makes it possible to identify and prevent it from happening.

The Facts

Sex trafficking is a growing crime in Canada. It is often under-reported, under-estimated and largely misunderstood.

What is Sex Trafficking?

Essentially, sex trafficking is exploiting someone through force, fraud or coercion for another person's financial gain. As a multi-billion dollar industry, it is more lucrative than guns or drugs: traffickers can make over $280,000 per year by controlling one victim.

The Numbers

This crime is affecting the lives of countless young women and girls in Canada.

In Canada over 90% of sex trafficking victims come from Canada. 2/3 of all trafficking in Canada happens in Ontario, with the vast majority being along the 401 Corridor. 

90% of victims are female, but young men are targeted as well.

The average age of victims is 17. The average age of recruitment is 12-14years old. 

Download our pamphlet to learn more:

Young woman looking out of a window.
Trafficking Can Happen to Anyone
Trafficking Can Happen to Anyone
Trafficking Can Happen to Anyone
Trafficking Can Happen to Anyone
Trafficking Can Happen to Anyone
Trafficking Can Happen to Anyone
Trafficking Can Happen to Anyone
Trafficking Can Happen to Anyone
Young woman waiting for the bus.

Who is Affected

Sex trafficking can happen to any young person, regardless of age, culture, income, orientation, gender or neighbourhood. Traffickers find their young victims online, at schools, malls, parties, libraries and bus stops.

Although traffickers recruit from all areas and backgrounds, marginalized, racialized, lower-income young people are often more at risk.

Vulnerable Communities

Anyone can experience trafficking in any community, just as anyone can be the victim of any kind of crime. While it can happen to anyone, evidence suggests that BIPOC individuals and LGBTQ+ people are more likely to experience trafficking than other demographic groups. Generational trauma, historic oppression, discrimination, and other societal factors and inequities create community-wide vulnerabilities. Traffickers recognize and take advantage of people who are vulnerable.

People may be vulnerable to trafficking if they:

  • Have an unstable living situation
  • Have previously experienced other forms of violence such as sexual abuse or domestic violence
  • Have run away or are involved in the child welfare system
  • Are facing poverty or economic need
  • Have a caregiver or family member who has a substance use issue
  • Are addicted to drugs or alcohol
Young woman with her head against her knees, sitting on the sidewalk.

Who are the Traffickers?

There is no evidence that traffickers are more likely to be of a particular race, nationality, gender, or sexual orientation. They may be family members, romantic partners, acquaintances, or strangers. Traffickers are using young men and women under their control to recruit others – a trafficker could be your child’s age (or close in age) and appear to be a regular friend or romantic partner.

Signals and Flags

The following are signals and red flags that indicate you are involved with or witness to human trafficking.

Lack of ID

Victim's identification is often withheld to prevent them from escaping, accessing services, opening bank accounts, or seeking medical care.


Victims are often branded with tattoos, burns, or other markings to identify which pimp they are owned by.

Drug Addictions

Victims are often given drugs to get them addicted to create a dependency on their pimps for their supply.

Afraid to Speak

Victims will often have someone speak and answer for them, or will look to someone else before answering anything, afraid saying the wrong thing will lead to being punished/assaulted. They may tend to adhere to scripted or rehearsed responses in social interaction.


Victims are often working 15-19 hours a day to make money. If they don't meet their financial quota, they will be beaten or otherwise punished.


In addition to physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, victims are often starved to maintain control, having to earn food and water.

Physical Injuries

Victims may have visible bruises, cuts, scrapes, burns, scars, broken bones, mouth or dental injuries as a result of abuse.

If you believe you are a victim of human trafficking or may have information about a potential trafficking situation, please contact the Canadian National Human Trafficking Hotline 1-833-900-1010. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 911.

Trafficking Lingo

Abuse is an attempt to control the behaviors of another person. It is a misuse of power, which uses the bonds of intimacy, trust and dependency to make the victim vulnerable.




Brothel (a/k/a Cathouse or Whorehouse)

Caught A Case

Choosing Up



Exit Fee


Finesse Pimp/Romeo Pimp

Gorilla (or Guerilla) Pimp

“John” (a/k/a Buyer or “Trick”)

Kiddie Stroll


Out of Pocket

Pimp Circle


Reckless Eyeballing



Squaring Up


The Game/The Life

Trade Up/Trade Down


Turn Out

Wifeys/Wife-in-Law/Sister Wife

How Are We Helping?

One of our biggest goals is providing safety and security through the residential shelter. Women can stay here. Rest here. Heal here. We are a safe space and can protect them from pimps or others from the trafficking lifestyle. On average, it takes 7 attempts to leave the Game. Our ultimate goal is to protect the clients who come to our door and work with them to get to a place where they are able to move forward, heal, and avoid going back into the life of trafficking. Of course, sometimes that is the reality, but we will be here the next time they leave and will try again. We recognize the difficult road to recovery and healing and are here to support women every step of the way, even if we’ve helped them with prior attempts to flee violence.

Human Trafficking Pamphlet Side 1.

Help Educate our Community

Download our pamphlet and share it with your community to help us inform the residents of Cornwall, SD&G, and Akwesasne of Human Trafficking and how to prevent it.

Download Pamphlet

Get Involved


Whether it's a one-time donation or a recurring contribution, every amount helps us support survivors of Human Trafficking and our public education program.

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Book a Presentation

We are happy to present to any size crowd, in person or online, about Human Trafficking.

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Host a Fundraiser

Individuals and businesses do host fundraisers for the shelter from time to time. We are happy to support your fundraising endeavors by providing pamphlets, handouts, and can provide any information you may need. The best way to get the ball rolling on hosting a fundraiser for the shelter is to email us at to let us know who you are and what you would like to host in support of the shelter. We can then work together to create a successful fundraiser. 

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