Access Services

We can help you transition from violent and abusive circumstances to a safe and secure environment for yourself and your children.

We're here for you 24hrs a day.

Maison Baldwin house is a place where women who have experienced any type of abuse can come for support, information, and a safe place to stay. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week – women can call and/or come in at any time, day or night. The services are completely free and confidential.

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Woman talking on the phone.Woman with her head in her hands as she talks to a counsellor at Baldwin House.Woman holding her baby.
Woman talking on the phone.Woman with her head in her hands as she talks to a counsellor at Baldwin House.Woman holding her baby.
Women laughing as they talk in a support group.Woman sitting with a counsellor at Baldwin House.Women looking down as she sits with other women in a support group.
Women laughing as they talk in a support group.Woman sitting with a counsellor at Baldwin House.Women looking down as she sits with other women in a support group.