Public Education Program

Our Public Education Program provides the community with information about the Maison Baldwin House, about Domestic Violence (DV) and Teen Dating Violence, Workplace Rights with regards to DV, and general information about Violence Against Women. Request our Public Educator to come and speak about these subjects today!

Book a Speaker
Elementary classroom with students asking questions about Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking.
Presentation on Human Trafficking and safety put on by Baldwin House.
Woman smiling and waving during an online presentation.
Baldwin House's Public Educator at an event, teaching the community about the signs of Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence.

Why We Educate

"Education is key in addressing and preventing domestic violence and human trafficking in the future by teaching the community about red flags and tactics used by abusers and traffickers."

- Danielle

Public Educator & Volunteer Coordinator

Book a Speaker

We are happy to present to any size crowd, in person or online, about
Domestic Violence and/or Human Trafficking.

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